Thursday, April 9, 2015


Sexism and racism have been around for centuries before and unfortunately, will continue to be around for centuries to come. I feel as if all it takes for any sort of discrimination to stop is to stop referring to others as others. Meaning we all need to be viewed as equals, but that wont happen if people are still classifying others based on their race or gender. There will always be someone better off and someone worse off, but what's interesting is that whether you're a minority in terms of race or in terms of gender, the struggles are somewhat similar. As Gates claims, "current language use signifies the difference between cultures and their possession of power, spelling out the distance between subordinate and superordinate, between bondsman and lord in terms of their "race"" (Gates, 6).

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is okay to refer to others as 'others'. However, it is more important for society to transcend those (physical, intellectual, religious, etc.) differences. It is crucial that we move towards a space without imposition or rejection indefinitely.


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